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C.E.CAM. S.r.l. is a 100% made in Italy, company and since 1975 it is specialized in thermoplastic compounds electric cables production and marketing and recently it is also involved in ha- logen free products with cross-linked materials. The headquarter and the manufacturing plant is in Bienno – Lombardy North of Italy.

Thanks to a cutting-edge facility, high-tech plants and precise mana- gement C.E.CAM. S.r.l. produces more than 1 million meters of cable per day distributed all over the world, more than 3,000 products in the catalog for both small and large scale - retail divided into safety cables, fire resistant, radio frequency and satellite, national and harmonized, signaling and control, automotive.

Today C.E.CAM. S.r.l. is able to adapt to any customer’s needs, espe- cially for quantity as well as customization of cable and packaging, thanks to 24-hours a production cycle and a careful orders mana- gement.

All these details make C.E.CAM. S.r.l. a sure and reliable partner, with fast and on-time delivery times within 15 days from the order date.

All C.E.CAM.‘s products meet high certified quality standards, guaranteed by internal controls with our quality dept.

As a continuous improvement, C.E.CAM S.r.l. has decided in 2019 to join, together with other companies in the sector, the ANIE Federation (National Federation of Electronic and Electrotech- nical Companies) in the AICE (Italian Association of Cables and Electrical Conductors) sector. AICE, within the ANIE Federation, represents the companies active in different sectors as energy cables and accessories, communication cables and conductors for electrical windings.

Within AICE, C.E.CAM S.r.l. is part of the group of LV power cables and of the group of communication cables, moreover it is a member of CEI (Italian Electrotechnical Committee) and actively participates in the Technical Committees CT 20 and CT 46.

The company, already certified ISO14001 A, is focused on quality at work, environmentally friendly company, using renewable energy and the total recovery of the production residue

Rapidity, customization and reliability make C.E.CAM. S.r.l. an inno- vative reality in step with the times, operating all over the world

C.E.CAM. Conduttori Elettrici Camuni.

C.E.CAM. S.r.l    P.I: 00711830984    Via Fortunato Angelo Morandini, 1 25040 Bienno BS    Tel: +39 0364 306006 - Fax: +39 0364 306007